À St Louis (Missouri), il est devenu difficile d’aborder un sujet différent. Michael Brown, l’adolescent mort dans les rues de la petite commune de Ferguson, banlieue de St Louis, le 9 août dernier, est dans tous les esprits. Sa mort touche une communauté ignorée et invisible qui semble néanmoins déterminée à amorcer un changement.
Catégorie : Writing
12 new “really high” names on EU sanctions list
The EU is expanding, but not intensifying its sanctions against Russia. The European Council has adopted conclusions, which further expand stage two sanctions, but without passing to stage three, EU official have said. The list of people targeted by stage two measures is to be expanded by 12 names, bringing it to a total of 33, “some of them really high ranking”, says the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, at a news conference following the first day of the EU Council.
EU Gipfel diskutiert Russland-Sanktionen beim Abendessen
Als Angela Merkel an jener Absperrung, hinter welcher die Versammelten Reporter und Journalisten um das eine oder andere Wort der EU Staats- und Regierungschefs, die zum Europäischen Rat anrauschen, hoffen, ankommt, fällt einer Reporterin glatt das Mikrophon aus der Hand. Unruhe und Verwunderung machen sich breit. Ein Attaché reagiert und bückt sich, doch die Kanzlerin ist schneller : Lächelnd hebt sie das Mikrophon auf – und bringt ihre Nachricht. Das Thema der Begierde : die Situation in der Ukraine.
Russia vetoes Security Council resolution on Ukraine
And Putin takes it all again — On Saturday, March 15, 2014, at the Security Council, a resolution, drafted by the US, and condemning the referendum in Crimea as « illegal, » has not been adopted, following a veto by the Russian Federation. Russia « has the power to veto a resolution, but it does not have the power to veto the… Poursuivre la lecture Russia vetoes Security Council resolution on Ukraine
Of world diplomacy, a Kingdom, and our Union
Kara Owen, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Paris It’s with a faint “wow” that Karen Owen, deputy ambassador of the United Kingdom in France, entered the Amphitheatre Berlin, on the European Franco-German campus in Nancy, on Thursday, 13th February 2014. As students kept rushing in, even our director François Laval welcomed her with… Poursuivre la lecture Of world diplomacy, a Kingdom, and our Union