Here are links to content published on, which I wrote, translated or edited in reversed chronological order (latest at the top).
Étiquette : European Union
12 new “really high” names on EU sanctions list
The EU is expanding, but not intensifying its sanctions against Russia. The European Council has adopted conclusions, which further expand stage two sanctions, but without passing to stage three, EU official have said. The list of people targeted by stage two measures is to be expanded by 12 names, bringing it to a total of 33, “some of them really high ranking”, says the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, at a news conference following the first day of the EU Council.
Of world diplomacy, a Kingdom, and our Union
Kara Owen, Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Paris It’s with a faint “wow” that Karen Owen, deputy ambassador of the United Kingdom in France, entered the Amphitheatre Berlin, on the European Franco-German campus in Nancy, on Thursday, 13th February 2014. As students kept rushing in, even our director François Laval welcomed her with… Poursuivre la lecture Of world diplomacy, a Kingdom, and our Union
Gebrauchsanweisung für Europa
Die Zukunft der EU kann nur mit den Bürgern gelingen. Eine Reportage Europa zu verstehen ist nicht unbedingt einfach. Doch wie soll man Europa leben, ohne es zu kennen ? Wie sieht die Zukunft der EU aus ? Heute ist sie vor allem noch ein Europa der Ideen. Yann Schreiber sucht die Gebrauchsanweisung für Europa in Brüssel.… Poursuivre la lecture Gebrauchsanweisung für Europa